Prices & Booking

Discovery call - FREE

20 mins

An introductory call. This is if you would like to meet me before you book the programme, or if you have any questions you would like to discuss.

Session ONE only - £300

90 mins

The first session of the programme only. A video call for a structured session that collects information via interview and assessment, to begin to understand the unique wiring of your connectome and which techniques would work best for you.

Session TWO & THREE -

60 mins +

60 mins

The remaining sessions of your progarmme. Two video calls, both being freeform sessions that firstly fleshes out and then finalises your Connectome Connection toolkit with useful techniques for specific scenarios and a broader range of situations. Session Three also ensures that there are no outstanding questions.

All three sessions: Programme BUNDLE -

90 mins +

60 mins +

60 mins

All three sessions (first session = 90 mins, second & third sessions = 60 mins each), comprising an entire programme that provides you a bespoke toolkit of simple but effective neuromodulation techniques.

After completion of the Connectome Connection programme, this service is then available:

A video call that can act as a follow-up after completion of the Connectome Connection programme. This can be booked whenever you wish an as often as you like, be it days or months after attending Session Three.

This check-in session can simply be an opportunity to discuss and reflect how the past month has been since the end of the Connectome Connection programme. It is also a chance to consolidate and fine-tune the techniques you currenly already have, to ask any questions you may have, and to supplement your Connectome Connection Toolkit (especially if you have a new situation or challenge that you would like to troubleshoot).

Check-in session

60 mins

Note, if you are a student or caregiver, or if you have a disability, a concession rate may be possible - please contact me to discuss and arrange.

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