Terms & Conditions


Helen Willis is a Licentiate of the Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (APHP) and is bound by their Code of Ethics.

​​Helen is required by her professional and ethical codes to collect information about your lifestyle, any medical conditions, and any medication or supplements you are taking (whether prescribed or not).

​All information that you give will be treated in a professional and confidential manner as required by General Data Protection Regulation (please see The Connectome Connection Privacy Policy for details). Full disclosure is essential to enable Helen to work effectively with you.

​All natural neuromodulation strategies used by Helen as part of The Connectome Connection programme are intended to be complementary techniques, and not as alternatives. This means that Helen works alongside medical practitioners, and does not replace them.

If you have a condition that may have a physical cause, it is essential that you contact your doctor first. Helen will only work with these conditions if she has a letter from your doctor with permission to proceed. It is also your responsibility to check with your GP if you are pregnant or have undergone recent surgery in order to ensure that natural neuromodulation is suitable for you.

If you fail to reveal information about medical conditions that are specifically contra-indicated for certain types of therapies that The Connectome Connection can provide, Helen cannot be held liable for any consequences.

If, at any stage, Helen identifies that The Connectome Connection are unsuited to your specific needs, she reserves the right to discontinue the programme. In this case, Helen is also professionally and ethically bound to contact your GP, if she believes that a different healthcare professional could meet your individual needs more effectively. For this reason, contact details for your GP are needed before Helen can begin working with you. 

At all stages, Helen will discuss the available neuromodulation strategies that suit your particular brain and gain your verbal consent to pursue learning and consolidation of these strategies.

All natural neuromodulation strategies should not be practised: near or in water; near naked flames; when operating vehicles or heavy machinery; or when undertaking caretaking duties involving direct responsibility for other individuals and/or animals.

If you choose to practise any other practises or techniques as taught by any instructor or teacher other than Helen, any consequences are not Helen’s responsibility.

​Payment for a given session and/or the entire programme is required upfront at least 24 hours before the first booked session of the programme, in order to confirm your booking. 

For subsequent follow-up sessions, payment is also required at least 24 hours before the agreed date and time of each session.

​If you wish to reschedule any session, payment is still required upfront at least 24 hours before the revised date.

A refund for a booked session will not be given if there is non-attendance of any session within the programme without notice, or if less than 24 hours notice is given. 

​You have the right to terminate your sessions with Helen at any time. You should confirm this via email, with a minimum of a 24 hours notice. A refund is available on remaining prepaid sessions if sufficient notification is provided. 

If you are undergoing the programme virtually, it is essential that before any session commences, you are in an appropriate and safe environment. This includes ensuring that you are seated alone in a room where you will not be interrupted or distracted (e.g., by a mobile phone) for the entire period of the session. In addition, if there are any children, vulnerable adults or animals that require supervision and care, you must arrange alternative caregiving (by a responsible adult) for the entire duration of the session. If these conditions cannot be met, Helen reserves the right to discontinue the session and will not reimburse the session fee.  

​The date and time of your first session can be only confirmed when you have given your written consent (via email) to these terms and conditions and also provided the contact details (i.e., name, address, email and telephone number) of both yourself and your GP.