What is the programme?

The Connectome Connection programme involves three sessions, conducted on a one-to-one basis with myself online (via video calls).

It is like having a normal conversation with a coach or therapist, in the comfort and privacy of your home (or chosen location), but with three key differences:

  1. The process begins with formal neuroscientific assessments of your personality (based on an evolutionary model) and your information processing (based on your sensory modalities)

  2. The conversation is interspersed with moments of applied practice, where you experience and acquire a new neuroscience-based technique to target a specific issue or objective

  3. The conversation involves blending an eclectic combination of wellness and therapy disciplines and approaches 

The ultimate goal of the Connectome Connection is to create a personalised toolkit of natural neuromodulation techniques that are tailored to the unique wiring of your brain, i.e., your connectome. By harnessing the power of natural neuromodulation, you can successfully achieve cognitive load management. This can improve your:

  • Faster and more accurate decision-making

    More effective information processing

  • Reduced procrastination

    Reduced productivity-related losses

    Better work-life balance

  • Increased mental resilience

    Increased job and life satisfaction

    Enhanced mental and physical health

  • Bolstered physical and mental energy

    Reduced downtime due to ill health

What is the connectome?

The connectome is the map of the connections between the cells in your brain. How these connections are made differs from individual to individual, meaning that everyone is wired differently. Therefore, your connectome is as unique to you as a fingerprint.

  • We are only beginning to properly investigate the complexity of how the brain is “wired”. So far, there have been all kinds of exciting findings, including the concept that you are your connectome.

    In other words, your connectome uniquely influences the way that you function intellectually, the way you think, the way you learn, the way you connect to the outside world, and the way you respond to stress.

What is natural neuromodulation?

Natural neuromodulation is an instinctive process that enables you to change the activity of your nervous system.

You can tap into your natural neuromodulation without using any drugs or electrical devices, by using a wide range of physiological and psychological techniques. These are all essentially skills that you can learn so that you can control your cognitive load.

  • Neuromodulation often does have the connotation of brains being opened up and/or electrical wires being plugged into you. This is not entirely wrong. For example, deep brain stimulation is where an implant is surgically inserted into your brain to deliver electrical currents directly to the brain tissue to treat conditions such as Parkinson’s and epilepsy.

    There is also transcranial magnetic stimulation and transcranial direct current stimulation. These are not invasive, but do involve generating a strong magnetic field, or delivering an electrical current into your brain via the surface of your scalp. These techniques are safe, and are often used in research to understand brain function, or are sometimes used to ameliorate treatment-resistant depression.

    However, we do not have to resort to these rather scary-sounding methods to change the way our brains and nervous systems respond to the outside world, especially in times of challenge and stress. This is where natural neuromodulation comes in, and this includes both physical and also psychological techniques that target both the conscious and subconscious mind.

    Natural neuromodulation is, therefore, not invasive at all, and is completley safe. In fact, we perform natural neuromodulation every day without realising it. For instance, even the way we breathe has a direct impact on our nervous system, with certain patterns either stimulatng or relaxing our nerves).

What is cognitive load management?

Cognitive load is the number of mental resources that you have to allocate to perform any brain function.

Everyone has a limit to the number of mental resources that are available (i.e, a fixed cognitive capacity), which has nothing to do with intelligence or ability. This means that you can run out of mental resources if the demand on your brain is too high, i.e., cognitive overload.

Cognitive load management enables you to use your precious mental resources efficiently, so that you can continue to function effectively even under intense pressure.

  • Cognitive load is a subtle, yet influential, phenomenon of the human brain that is frequently overlooked, ignored and even dismissed. Yet it is instrumental in higher-order intellectual processes, such as strategising and decision-making, as well as integral to the performance of more basic and mundane physical tasks (such as domestic chores).

    The build-up of cognitive load usually goes unnoticed, until it accumulates to the point that all kinds of symptoms of physical and mental health problems become triggered.

    This occurs mainly because in evolutionary terms, our brains are still a caveman brain which has not sufficiently evolved to differentiate this build-up in cognitive load from any form of physical danger, and responds as it would to a life-threatening situation, generating a complex physiological stress response (which is actually completely unnecessary).

    As a result, because our brains and nervous systems are intricately interwoven with our primitive physical responses, cognitive overload can severely impinge on our physical health and our mental wellbeing.

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